88.100. All real property, including rights-of-way, yardsand depot grounds, situated within the corporate limits of anyincorporated city, town or village in this state, of any railroadcompany which now owns or operates, or which may hereafter own oroperate, any railroad or part of a railroad within the corporatelimits of any such city, town or village, shall be subject tospecial assessments for public improvements made by any suchcity, town or village, in the same manner and to the same extentin all respects as the real property of any other person orcorporation therein. And all laws which now or which mayhereafter be in force for the making, enforcement and collectionof such special assessments against the real property of otherpersons and corporations in such city, town or village, shallapply to and govern the making, collection and enforcement ofsuch special assessments against such real property of any suchrailroad company in the same manner and to the same extent as tosuch special assessments against the real property of otherpersons and corporations therein.
(RSMo 1939 § 7367)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7216; 1919 § 8655; 1909 § 9543