88.110. Before any ordinance making provision for suchreassessment, or the creation of such assessment district, shallbe put upon its passage, the board of aldermen, or other locallegislative body before which it is pending, shall appoint a dayupon which it will hear and consider any and all objections tosuch ordinance and shall give public notice of the time and placeand matter thus to be considered, which said notice shall beaddressed to all persons interested; shall set forth in full thepending ordinance; shall state that at the appointed time andplace all landowners within the assessment district defined bysaid ordinance, and all other persons interested, may appearbefore said legislative body and be heard upon all matterspertinent to said ordinance; and shall be published once a weekfor two weeks, the last publication to be at least one weekbefore such day of hearing, in some newspaper of generalcirculation published in the city wherein said ordinance ispending, or if there be no newspaper published in said city, thenin the county wherein said city is situated. After said hearinghas been had, said ordinance may be passed, rejected or amendedas justice may require.
(RSMo 1939 § 7380)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7229; 1919 § 8662