88.530. 1. The council shall have power to limit the costto be assessed as a special tax against the abutting property forstreet improvement as provided in section 88.520. If the councilshall, in the resolution provided for by said section, declarethat the cost of the proposed work, not to exceed an amount perfront foot to be stated in the resolution, shall be charged tothe abutting property and limited to such amount, and thebalance, if any, shall be charged to the city, then any cost inexcess of such stated amount shall be borne by the generalrevenue, and only that part of the cost limited to such statedamount per front foot shall be charged against the abuttingproperty.
2. In proceeding under this section the council may let thework to contract as provided in sections 88.497 to 88.647, orhave the same done by its street commissioner under suchsupervision as it may direct by ordinance. In either case, thewhole cost shall be paid out of the general revenue, and specialtax bills shall then be assessed by ordinance against theabutting property for its part of the cost when the work iscompleted, and special tax bills issued therefor, made payable tothe city, signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk withthe seal of the city affixed. Said special tax bills, when dueand after demand of payment, may be sued upon for nonpaymentwhenever the council shall so order. Said tax bills shall bedelivered and charged by the city clerk to the city collector forcollection, and the collector shall be entitled to two and a halfpercent upon the amount of such collections made by him for hisservice in collecting the same.
3. All of the provisions of sections 88.507 to 88.523,relating to the assessment, issue, rate of interest, lien,abstracting, collection, releasing and cancellation of specialtax bills for improvements mentioned in said section 88.520, sofar as applicable and not inconsistent with the provisions ofthis section, shall apply to tax bills issued in pursuance ofthis section.
(RSMo 1939 § 6994)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6848; 1919 § 8330; 1909 § 9257