88.613. 1. The council may provide for and regulate thelighting of streets and the erection of lamp posts, poles andlights therefor, and may make contracts with any person,association or corporation for the lighting of the streets andother public places of the city with gas, electricity orotherwise. Any initial contract must be ratified by a majorityof the voters of the city voting on the question. Any renewalcontracts entered into under the provisions of this section shallbe subject to voter approval of the majority of the voters votingon the question, pursuant to the provisions of section 88.251.
2. The council may also erect, maintain and operate gasworks, electric light works or light works of any other kind orname, and may erect lamp posts, electric light poles, or anyother apparatus or appliances necessary to light the streets,avenues, alleys or other public places, and may supply privatelights for the use of the inhabitants of the city and itssuburbs, and may regulate the same, and may prescribe andregulate the rates to be paid by the consumers thereof, and mayacquire, by purchase, donation or condemnation, suitable groundwithin or without the city upon which to erect such works, andthe right-of-way to and from said works, and also theright-of-way for laying gas pipes, electric wires under or aboveground, and erecting posts and poles and such other apparatus andappliances as may be necessary for the efficient operation ofsuch works, except that the council may in its discretion grantthe right to any person or persons or corporation to erect suchworks and lay the pipe, wires and erect the posts, poles andother necessary apparatus and appliances therefor, upon suchterms as may be prescribed by ordinance and that such right toany such person, persons or corporation shall not extend for alonger period than twenty years, except that such right may berenewed for another period or periods not to exceed twenty yearsper period. Every initial grant for such services shall beapproved by a majority of the voters of the municipality votingon the question. Every renewal or extension shall be subject tovoter approval of the majority of the voters voting on thequestion, pursuant to the provisions of section 88.251. Nothingherein contained shall be construed as to prevent the councilfrom contracting with any person, association or corporation forfurnishing the city with gas or electric lights in cities wherefranchises have already been granted, and where gas or electriclights plants already exist, without a vote of the people.
(RSMo 1939 § 6961, A. 1949 H.B. 2036, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1471, et al., A.L. 1987 S.B. 412, A.L. 1989 H.B. 451)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6815; 1919 § 8302; 1909 § 9238