88.633. 1. The council may make contracts with any person,association or corporation for furnishing the city with water,and for supplying fire hydrants and public fountains, but no suchcontract shall be made for a longer time than twenty years. Anyinitial contract must be ratified by the vote of a majority ofthe voters of the city voting on the question. Any renewalcontracts entered into under the provisions of this section shallbe subject to voter approval of the majority of the voters votingon the question, pursuant to the provisions of section 88.251.
2. The council may erect, maintain and operate waterworksfor the city, and may regulate the same, may prescribe andregulate the rates to charge to private consumers of waterfurnished from such waterworks, and may acquire by purchase,donation or condemnation, suitable grounds within or without thecity upon which to erect such works, and the right-of-way to andfrom such works, and also the right-of-way for laying water pipesand posts and telephone, telegraph or electric wires and poles,under or above ground, as may be necessary for the efficientoperation of said waterworks; all of which shall be done in suchmanner as shall be prescribed by ordinance, and the council mayin its discretion grant the right to any person, association orcorporation to erect, maintain and operate waterworks, and laypipes, erect poles and telegraph, telephone and other electricwires, under or above ground, as may be necessary for theefficient operation of such works, upon such terms as the councilmay by ordinance prescribe, but in no case shall such rightextend for a longer period than twenty years, except that suchright may be renewed for another period or periods not to exceedtwenty years per period. Every initial grant for such servicesshall be approved by a majority of the voters of the municipalityvoting on the question. Every renewal or extension shall besubject to voter approval of the majority of the voters voting onthe question, pursuant to section 88.251. Nothing in thissection* and section 88.630 shall be so construed as to preventany city council from contracting with any person, association,or corporation for supplying fire hydrants and public fountains,and to furnish the city with gas or electric lights in citieswhere franchises have already been granted and where waterworksand electric plants already exist, without a vote of the people.
(RSMo 1939 § 6967, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1471, et al., A.L. 1989 H.B. 451)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6821; 1919 § 8303; 1909 § 9239
*Word "section" does not appear in original rolls.