88.640. The council may provide by ordinance for sprinklingand cleaning, or either or both, the streets and avenues, or anypart thereof of the city, and may assess the cost and expensethereof as a special tax upon all real estate abutting upon thestreet or avenue, or part thereof, sprinkled or cleaned, inproportion to the front foot, and may issue, or cause to beissued, special tax bills therefor, which shall be a lien on suchreal estate until paid; provided, that before any such assessmentshall be made, the council shall pass a resolution declaring suchstreet sprinkling or cleaning necessary to be done, and shallcause such resolution to be published at least one week in somenewspaper published in the city, and if a majority of theresident owners of the property abutting upon such street oravenue, or part thereof, proposed to be sprinkled or cleaned,shall not, within ten days thereafter, file with the clerk ofsaid city their protest against such sprinkling or cleaning, thenthe council shall have power to contract therefor and cause thesame to be done; provided further, however, that in no case shallthe cost of such sprinkling or cleaning exceed five cents eachper front foot per month upon the property abutting upon suchstreet or avenue, or part thereof. The method of making saidassessments and collecting the same shall be provided byordinance.
(RSMo 1939 § 6959)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6813; 1919 § 8300; 1909 § 9237