88.647. Whenever a petition as is now provided by law ispresented to the county commission of any county for the opening,extension or widening of any county road along and adjoining thecorporate limits of any city of the third class, such commissionshall proceed as is now authorized by law to condemn theright-of-way of such road, the maximum width of which shall notbe over eighty feet. Before such road, however, shall bedeclared opened or the possession of such property for suchright-of-way be taken for public use, the council of such cityshall ascertain, in the manner herein provided in this chapter,the proportionate amount of benefits resulting to the owners ofland adjacent thereto within the corporate limits of such city,who shall contribute toward compensating the person injured, andsuch amount shall constitute a lien in favor of the city on thesaid adjacent land, and the person or persons who shall bebenefited and so assessed shall pay in such manner as hereinprovided. The city authorities shall define by ordinance thelimits within which private property is deemed benefited by theopening, extension or widening as aforesaid, and the owners ofprivate property within such limits shall be notified as hereinset out, and appeals may be taken as herein provided.
(RSMo 1939 § 6974)Prior revisions: 1929 § 6828; 1919 § 8310; 1909 § 9246