88.650. All cities in this state of the third class andcities with special charter containing three thousand inhabitantsand less than thirty thousand inhabitants are authorized andempowered to enact ordinances to pay the cost of laying andextending water main pipes by said cities by levying a specialassessment, as herein provided, on the lots and tracts of landfronting or abutting on either side of the street, avenue oralley along the distance so improved in proportion to the frontfoot, whenever a majority of the resident owners of the propertyliable to taxation therefor and who shall own a majority of thefront feet owned by residents of the city abutting on the streetor alley along which the improvement is to be made shall petitionthe city council or other legislative body for such improvement,or whenever such body in its discretion, shall deem extension ofwater mains necessary for sanitary or other purposes conducive tothe public welfare.
(RSMo 1939 § 7525)Prior revision: 1929 § 7371