88.657. The ordinance shall provide that after thepublication thereof, the owners of the property affected by theimprovement shall have thirty days from the date of thepublication to make and complete the improvement provided for inthe ordinance under direction of the city engineer and inconformity with the plans and specifications filed as providedfor in section 88.653. At the end of said thirty days the ownersof the land affected by the improvement shall cease to have aright to make the improvement by private contract and the councilor other legislative body shall have power to cause a contractfor said work to be let to the lowest and best bidder, on theplans and specifications filed as aforesaid with the city clerkby the city engineer or other proper officer, not less than oneweek's advertisement for bids thereon being made in somenewspaper published in the city. Where the bids for said workare above the estimates, or no bids are presented, or where bidspresented are for any reason rejected, or where the contractor towhom the contract is awarded fails to enter into a writtencontract for the performance of said contract, or to execute thebonds required by ordinance within the time provided therefor,the council or other legislative body shall direct the clerk toreadvertise for bids. All county or other public property,cemeteries or railroad rights-of-way shall be subject toassessments as provided for by sections 88.787 and 88.790,relating to such lands.
(RSMo 1939 § 7527)Prior revision: 1929 § 7373