88.670. 1. The cities coming under the provisions ofsections 88.667 to 88.773 in their corporate capacities areauthorized and empowered to enact ordinances for the followingpurposes in addition to the other powers granted by law:
(1) To levy and collect taxes for general revenue purposeson all mixed, personal and real property within the limits ofsaid city, taxable according to the laws of this state;
(2) To open and improve streets, avenues, alleys and otherhighways, and to make sidewalks and build bridges, culverts,drains and sewers within the city, and to establish grades forall improvements herein mentioned.
2. Such ordinances as may relate to any public work orimprovements of any kind shall authorize the particular work tobe done or improvements to be made, and shall specify the generalcharacter and extent thereof, the material to be used therein andin the alternative, if desirable, and the manner and regulationsunder which any such public work or improvement shall beexecuted.
3. Cities of the fourth class shall have and exerciseexclusive control over all streets, alleys, avenues and publichighways within the limits of such city.
(RSMo 1939 § 7197)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7047; 1919 § 8498; 1909 § 9400