88.673. The board of aldermen shall have power to create,open and improve any public square, public park, street, avenue,alley or other highway, old or new, and also to vacate ordiscontinue the same whenever deemed necessary or expedient;provided, that all damages sustained by the citizens of the cityor the owners of the property therein shall be ascertained asprescribed in that portion of this chapter relating to thecondemnation of private property for public use; and providedfurther, that whenever any public square, street, avenue oralley, or other highway, shall be vacated, the same shall revertto the owners of the adjacent lots in proportion as it was takenfrom them; and when the grade of any street or alley shall havebeen once established by ordinance, it shall not be lawful tochange such grade without making compensation to all personsowning real estate on such street or square, avenue, alley orother highway, who may be damaged by such change of grade, to bedetermined and governed in all respects, with reference tobenefit and damages, as is provided in sections 88.667 to 88.773.
(RSMo 1939 § 7212)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7062; 1919 § 8512; 1909 § 9412