88.680. The cost of paving, macadamizing, guttering andcurbing (where such curb is set out into the street beyond thesidewalks) all streets, avenues, alleys and other highways, orany part thereof or any connection therewith, and repairing thesame, and for doing all excavating and grading necessary for thesame, after said streets, avenues, alleys and other highways, orparts thereof or connections therewith, have been first broughtto grade, as provided in section 88.670, shall be levied as aspecial assessment upon all lots and pieces of ground upon eitherside of such street, avenue, alley or other highway, or partthereof or connection therewith, abutting thereon, along thedistance improved, in proportion to the front foot; provided,that the cost of paving, macadamizing, curbing and guttering anystreet, avenue, alley or highway, or any part thereof, and thecost of repairing and cleaning of the same and of making andrepairing sidewalks may be paid out of the general revenue fundof the city or other funds which the city may have for suchpurposes, if the board of aldermen so desires, in which case theproceedings of the city for such improvements shall specify thatpayment will be made out of the general revenue funds or otherfunds in whole or in part.
(RSMo 1939 § 7201, A.L. 1945 p. 1266)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7051; 1919 § 8502; 1909 § 9403