88.793. When the council of any such city having less thanthirty thousand inhabitants and having a special charter shalldeem it necessary to pave, macadamize, gutter, curb, grade orotherwise improve the roadway of any street, avenue or otherhighway not more than eight hundred feet in length so as toconnect with paved, macadamized, curbed, graded or improvedstreets at both ends, on the same or other streets, the councilshall, by resolution, declare such work necessary to be done, andshall cause the same proceedings to be had as is provided insections 88.787 and 88.790, except that no protest may be filed.The resolution passed and published shall state the fact thatanyone desiring to do so may appear before the council at a timestated therein and be heard on the question of the necessity ofthe work sought to be done, and if anyone does so appear he shallbe heard, and the council shall by resolution state the result ofsuch hearing to be a reaffirmance of the necessity for the doingof such work, or the contrary, as the fact may be. If no oneappears, or if the council reaffirms the necessity of the doingof such work, then it shall proceed under the terms of sections88.787 and 88.790, in the same manner as is therein provided whenthe abutting resident owners fail to file a sufficient protest.The work shall be done in the same manner and of the samematerials as one or both of the improvements on the street orstreets, avenue or highway to be thus connected is constructed,and only such work may be done as will connect similar work onsaid street or streets, avenues or highways.
(RSMo 1939 § 7499)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7346; 1919 § 8760