88.797. The city council of any city in the state having apopulation of less than thirty thousand inhabitants and beingoperated under a special charter, shall have power within thecity, by ordinance, to cause the streets and public places in thecity, or any part thereof, to be sprinkled or oiled, and the costthereof to be provided for and defrayed by a special tax to beassessed in favor of the city on the adjoining property frontingor bordering on the streets or public places where suchsprinkling or oiling is proposed to be done, on the proportionthat the linear feet of each lot fronting or bordering on thestreet or public place so to be sprinkled or oiled bears to thetotal number of all property chargeable with the special taxaforesaid in the territory embraced by the contract under whichsaid sprinkling is to be done. The above work shall becontracted for annually by the commissioner of streets and publicimprovements at such time and under such terms as shall beprovided by ordinance, and the city shall be divided intoconvenient sprinkling or oiling districts for the above purpose,and each district shall be let separately. The special tax billsspoken of shall be and become a lien on the property chargedtherewith from the first Monday in April each year and shall beprima facie evidence of the liability of the property chargedtherewith to the extent and amount therein specified, and may becollected of and from the owner of the land in the name of and bythe city as any other claim in any court of competentjurisdiction, with interest at the rate of eight percent perannum from the first day of May in each year, and they shall beissued and collected in the manner hereafter provided byordinance.
(RSMo 1939 § 7500)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7347; 1919 § 8761