88.806. Whenever the council of any town or city shalldetermine to have any sidewalk built or repaired, as contemplatedby section 88.804, the said council shall cause at least tendays' notice, in writing, to be served on the owner or owners ofany such property or lot in said town or city which said noticeshall require such owner or owners of such property or lot tobegin to build, repair and complete the building and repairing ofany such sidewalk in a reasonable time thereafter; which saidnotice shall contain a description of each property or lot asaforesaid, and a general description of the character of suchsidewalk, giving the length and breadth of such sidewalk and thematerial of which all or any part thereof shall be composed; andif, at the expiration of fifteen days after the service of saidnotice, if in writing, or if by publication, at the end of fourweeks after such publication, said owner or owners, as aforesaid,shall not, in good faith, have commenced to build and repair anysuch sidewalk as aforesaid, and complete the same in a reasonabletime thereafter in the judgment of the council, said councilshall cause such sidewalk to be built or repaired at the expenseof such town or city, the cost and expense of which shallconstitute a lien on the property or lot along which suchsidewalk may be built or repaired as aforesaid, and the said townor city may enforce the said lien against such property or lot inany court of competent jurisdiction, and a bill duly certified bythe treasurer of such town or city to be a true and correctstatement of the amount expended or paid by the town or city forthe construction or repair of such sidewalk shall be prima facieevidence in any court that the amount therein stated is correctand constitutes a legal lien against the property or lot alongwhich said sidewalk is constructed or repaired as aforesaid;provided, the owner or owners of said property or lot may payinto the treasury of said town or city the cost and expense ofbuilding or repairing said sidewalk by the town or city, at anytime before the sale of the said property or lot for such costand expense.
(RSMo 1939 § 7446)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7293; 1919 § 8708; 1909 § 9586
Sidewalks to have wheelchair ramps, when required, RSMo 71.365