88.834. District sewers shall be established for thedistricts created to be prescribed by ordinance, and shallconnect with public, or other district or joint district sewersor with a natural course of drainage, as each case may be, andmay be constructed with the main branch or discharge pipe whollywithin or beyond the boundary of the district as the councilshall determine. The district may be subdivided, enlarged orchanged by ordinance at any time previous to the construction ofthe sewer therein; and more than one district sewer may be laidin a sewer district if deemed necessary by the governing body ofthe municipality for sanitary or other purposes. The governingbody shall cause sewers to be constructed in each districtwhenever a majority of the property holders shall petitiontherefor, or whenever the governing body shall deem the sewersnecessary for sanitary or other purposes, and the sewer shall beof such dimensions and materials as may be prescribed byordinance and may be changed, enlarged or extended, and shallhave all the necessary laterals, inlets, catch basins, manholesand other appurtenances.
(L. 1959 S.B. 344 ยง 11, A.L. 1982 S.B. 646)