88.880. 1. The city council may, by ordinance, provide forthe building of any sidewalk or for the rebuilding andreconstruction of the same, including grading and fillingtherefor, and including the removal of any obstructions, andincluding approaches (as defined in section 88.867) at cornerlots, and including the grading or parking of that portion of thestreet lying between the property line and the street curb line,by contract, and levy a special assessment against each lot ortract along which such work is done, for the cost thereof, asprovided in section 88.890; provided, however, that no suchcontract shall be let until the plans and specifications for saidwork have been adopted by ordinance (provided that such adoptionmay be by reference to general plans and specifications, whichhave already been adopted by ordinance by said city).
2. And no contract shall be let until an advertisement forbids for the doing of said work has been published in at leastone issue of a weekly newspaper or at least two consecutiveissues of a daily newspaper, published in said city, or if therebe no paper published in said city, in some newspaper publishedin the county in which said city is located, and the date for theopening of said bids shall be at least ten days after the date ofthe first publication of said advertisement for bids; andprovided further, that before the said bids are opened, the cityengineer, or other proper person designated by ordinance by thecity council, shall prepare and file an estimate showing theestimated quantities of grading, filling and of the variousmaterials required for the sidewalk in front of each separatelot, tract or parcel of ground, and an estimate of the cost ofsaid work per cubic yard or per square yard, as the case may be,and an estimate of the cost of the removal of any obstruction;and no contract shall be let for a price in excess of the saidestimate of the cost.
3. After the bids are opened by the city council, the saidcity council shall let the contract for said work to the lowestand best responsible bidder, and in case there are no bidsreceived, or that all bids are rejected for any reason, the citycouncil may readvertise for bids for said work, or may, byordinance, order and require the city engineer or other properperson to build and construct said sidewalk or do the other workas herein contemplated, according to the specifications adoptedtherefor (provided, however, that the cost of said work shall notexceed the estimate of the city engineer previously filed),keeping an accurate account of the cost of the separate itemsthereof, and the city council shall pay for the labor andmaterial and all other costs of said work out of any funds whichthey may have on hand available for such purpose; and at thecompletion of said work (either by contract or by the city, aslast provided) shall levy the cost thereof as a specialassessment against the lot, tract or parcel of ground along whicheach of said sidewalks or other improvements is made in themanner as provided in section 88.890.
(RSMo 1939 § 7542)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7388; 1919 § 8796; 1909 § 9652