88.893. A separate tax bill shall be issued against each lotor tract against which an assessment has been made, and shallstate therein the name of the owner of record of the lot or tractassessed, an adequate description of said lot or tract, thenumber of front feet therein abutting on the improvement, thenumber of the improvement ordinance under which the work wasdone, and the number of the assessment ordinance under which thetax bills are issued, the different items of improvement andtotal cost thereof; and shall be payable to the contractor doingthe work, or to the city engineer or other person to and for thecity, as the case may be. Said tax bills shall be due in thirtydays after the date of issue thereof, and may bear interest asprovided by ordinance, after said thirty days, at a rate of notto exceed eight percent per annum.
(RSMo 1939 § 7547)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7393; 1919 § 8801; 1909 § 9657