88.897. Any and all real property shall be liable for thecost of the improvements contemplated in sections 88.863 to88.913, as above provided, whether owned by a person, a company,a corporation, a railroad corporation or company, a church, acharitable institution, educational institution, eleemosynaryinstitution, cemetery or cemetery association, or any otherinstitution or association whatever, except real estate owned bythe state of Missouri or by any state institution, or by theUnited States, or by any county, township or city, and the taxbills so issued on any and all property, except those last namedand excepted, shall be and constitute a first and prior lienagainst the property described therein, and second only to thelien of state, county and city taxes, and said lien shallcontinue for a period of three years after the maturity of eachor any of said tax bills, or until the final determination of anylegal proceedings to collect the same.
(RSMo 1939 § 7548)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7394; 1919 § 8802; 1909 § 9658