88.900. Any real estate owned by the state of Missouri or bystate institutions, or owned by any county, township or city,shall be liable for the cost of any of the improvementscontemplated and provided for in sections 88.863 to 88.913, thesame as other property, and an assessment shall be made thereonand tax bills issued in the same manner as tax bills againstother property provided for in section 88.897, and said tax billsshall be a valid and subsisting claim against such state, stateinstitutions, county, township or city, the same as any otherdebt or demand against such state, state institution, county,township or city, and shall be paid for out of funds appropriatedby them for such purposes, and shall bear interest at the rate ofnot to exceed eight percent per annum from thirty days after thedate of issue until paid.
(RSMo 1939 § 7549)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7395; 1919 § 8803; 1909 § 9659