88.940. All city improvements of whatever kind or character,including the erection of all public buildings made or to beerected at the expense of any constitutional charter city havingmore than seventy-five thousand and less than eighty thousandinhabitants, except where otherwise provided herein, shall be letby contract to the lowest and best bidder, and shall beprescribed by ordinance; provided, that nothing in this sectionshall be so construed as to prevent the repair, by day's work, ofboulevards, streets, sewers, culverts, buildings or other cityproperty, so far as may be necessary for the preservationthereof; and provided that nothing in this section shall beconstrued to prevent the city from specifying by ordinance thekind and character of materials and the kind and character oflabor to be used by contractors making city improvements and themaximum hours that the labor shall work thereon and the minimumwages that shall be paid the labor.
(L. 1963 p. 145 ยง 1)