90.640. The said board of control shall make, before thesecond Monday in April, an annual report to the legislativebranch of the municipal government, stating the condition oftheir trust on the first day of April of that year, the varioussums of money received from the zoological park fund and fromother sources, and how such moneys have been expended and forwhat purposes, the number and character of the acquisitions tothe collections added by the purchase, gift or otherwise duringthe year, together with the number at the beginning of the year,and such information and suggestions as they may deem of generalinterest. All such portions of said report as relate to thereceipt and expenditure of money, as well as to the number andvalue of the collections and description and value of theproperty, shall be verified by affidavit.
(RSMo 1939 § 15371)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7616; 1919 § 9015