92.010. 1. Any constitutional charter cities in this statewhich may now have or hereafter acquire seven hundred thousand ormore inhabitants may levy upon all subjects and objects oftaxation a rate for general municipal purposes not to exceed theannual rate of one dollar on the one hundred dollars assessedvaluation; provided, that the city of St. Louis may levy forcounty purposes, in addition to the municipal rate of taxationabove provided, a rate not exceeding the rate which would beallowed for county purposes if said city of St. Louis were acounty; provided, however, that the rate of taxation for generalmunicipal purposes herein limited may be increased for not toexceed four years, when the rate and purpose of the increase aresubmitted to a vote and two-thirds of the voters voting thereonshall vote therefor, but such increase so voted shall be limitedto a maximum rate of taxation not to exceed thirty cents on theone hundred dollars assessed valuation. The legislative body ofany of said cities may submit the question of an increase of levywhen, in the opinion of such legislative body, necessity thereforarises, and such question shall be submitted by such legislativebody when petitioned therefor by the voters equaling in numberone percent or more of the voters of the city voting for mayor atthe last city election at which a mayor was elected.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be a ....... cent increase in tax levy on onehundred dollars valuation for general municipal purposes for....... years?
3. If such increase in levy shall be voted, then suchincreased levy shall be effective for the number of yearsdesignated, and no longer, but said cities, through theirlegislative bodies, may submit any such proposal for continuingsuch increase of levy at any time for like periods not to exceedfour years each.
(L. 1945 p. 1296 ยง 1, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)