92.035. 1. Any city having a charter form of governmentand a population of at least three hundred thousand, but lessthan six hundred and fifty thousand and located wholly orpartially within a county of the first class having a charterform of government, in addition to the levy and imposition oftaxes authorized by section 92.030, may, except as otherwiseprovided in this section, by ordinance, levy or impose a tax notto exceed the rate of ten cents on each one hundred dollars ofassessed valuation of real and tangible personal property locatedwithin the city. The proceeds of the tax representing a rate ofat least three cents on each one hundred dollars of assessedvaluation to be used for the operation, improvement orconstruction expansion of museum facilities in existence onAugust 13, 1978, and the remaining proceeds of the tax to be usedexclusively for the construction, operation, improvement, orexpansion of additional facilities for such museum and no other.The word "museum" as used in this section, shall not be construedto mean or include an art gallery. General admission to themuseum's facility in existence prior to August 13, 1978, shall befree and open to the residents of such city. Before the cityshall impose any tax under this section at a rate which exceedstwo cents on each one hundred dollars of assessed valuation, thegoverning body of the city shall submit the proposed tax rateincrease to the voters of the city for approval or rejection atan election.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be an increased tax levy of ....... cents on thehundred dollars assessed valuation for museum purposes?
3. If a majority of the votes cast upon the proposal are infavor of the levy increase, the governing body of the city may,by ordinance, impose the additional tax. If a majority of thevotes cast upon the proposal are against the levy increase, thegoverning body of the city shall not impose the increase.Nothing in this section shall prohibit a rejected proposal frombeing resubmitted to a vote of the voters.
(L. 1967 p. 170 ยง 1, A.L. 1977 S.B. 73, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971, A.L. 1991 S.B. 344)