92.050. Back tax books in cities of seven hundred thousandinhabitants or more shall be made at the time and in the mannerprovided by sections 140.050 and 140.060, RSMo. The back taxbook when completed shall be delivered by the register to thecomptroller, who shall deliver the same to the collector of suchcity, taking triplicate receipts therefor, one to be filed in hisoffice, one with the director of revenue, and one with theauditor of such city.
(RSMo 1939 §§ 7737, 7738, A. 1949 H.B. 2040)Prior revisions: 1929 §§ 7589, 7590; 1919 §§ 8999, 9000; 1909 §§ 9850, 9851
Delinquent tax list, uncollected bills to be returned in St. Louis, RSMo 140.050