92.336. The revenues received from the tax authorized under sections92.325 to 92.340 shall be used exclusively for the advertising andpromotion of convention and tourism business and international trade forthe city from which it is collected, subject to the following requirements:
(1) Not less than forty percent of the proceeds of any tax imposedpursuant to subdivision (1) of section 92.327 shall be appropriated andpaid to a general not-for-profit organization, with whom the city hascontracted, and which is incorporated in the state of Missouri and locatedwithin the city limits of such city, established for the purpose ofpromoting such city as a convention, visitors and tourist center with thebalance to be used for operating expenses and capital expenditures,including debt service, for sports, convention, exhibition, trade andtourism facilities located within the city limits of the city;
(2) Not less than ten percent of the proceeds of any tax imposedpursuant to subdivision (1) of section 92.327 shall be appropriated to afund that hereby shall be established and called the "Neighborhood TouristDevelopment Fund". Such moneys from said funds shall be paid tonot-for-profit neighborhood organizations with whom the city hascontracted, and which are incorporated in the state of Missouri and locatedwithin the city limits of such city established for the purpose ofpromoting such neighborhood through cultural, social, ethnic, historic,educational, and recreational activities in conjunction with promoting suchcity as an international trade, convention, visitors and tourist center;
(3) The proceeds of any tax imposed pursuant to subdivision (2) ofsection 92.327 shall be used by the city only for capital expenditures,including debt service, for sports, convention, exhibition, trade andtourism facilities located within the city limits of the city.
(L. 1989 S.B. 295 & 312 ยง 12, A.L. 1999 H.B. 35, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1041 merged with S.B. 1210)