92.418. 1. All moneys received by a city imposing a sales taxpursuant to sections 92.400 to 92.421, less two percent for the cost ofhandling, which shall be deposited in the city's general fund, shall bedeposited by the city treasurer, or other city officer authorized byordinance, in a special fund to be known as the "Public Mass TransportationTrust Fund" for the primary benefit of a public mass transportation systemand motor pool operations operating within the city.
2. The moneys in the public mass transportation trust fundaccumulated by the city beyond the end of the city's fiscal year in whichsuch funds were collected, and not needed by the city to meet itscontractual obligations to an interstate transportation authority or formotor pool operations, may be appropriated and paid directly to suchinterstate transportation authority to be used by the interstatetransportation authority for its general purposes in providing a publicmass transportation system within an interstate transportation district, orthe city may appropriate and expend such excess funds for the purposes setforth in section 30(a)(2), of article IV, of the Constitution of Missouri,as amended.
3. A city may designate by contract from time to time with aninterstate transportation authority to provide specific services, frequencyof service, to underwrite a certain fare structure or for any purposeconsistent with providing a sound public mass transportation system toserve the city, and the city shall appropriate and pay directly to theinterstate transportation authority from the public mass transportationtrust fund the amounts of money that the city finds is sufficient to enablethe interstate transportation authority to perform its contractualobligations to the city, including intracommunity transit services, or acity may appropriate and pay all of the funds on deposit in a public masstransportation trust fund directly to an interstate transportationauthority to be used by such interstate transportation authority for itsgeneral purposes in providing a public mass transportation system within aninterstate transportation district.
4. Any provisions of sections 92.400 to 92.421 to the contrarynotwithstanding, seven and one-half percent of the proceeds of any salestax imposed under sections 92.400 to 92.421 that are appropriated and paidby a city to an interstate transportation authority shall be used only bythe city and the interstate transportation authority for the purchase ofnew equipment, for the construction of public mass transportationfacilities or for any other capital expenditures or improvements to theproperty of the interstate transportation authority, or to pay the interestor principal payments or to satisfy sinking fund requirements on anynegotiable notes or bonds or other instruments in writing issued by theinterstate transportation authority for any of the above purposes.
5. Ninety-two and one-half percent of the proceeds of any sales taximposed under sections 92.400 to 92.421 that are appropriated and paid by acity to an interstate transportation authority shall be used to supplyfunds to be applied to the expenses of the organization and costs ofoperation of the public mass transportation system and the facilitiesthereof, and may be used to supply additional funds for capitalexpenditures as set forth in subsection 4 of this section.
6. Transportation authorities operating a public mass transportationsystem under sections 92.400 to 92.421 may provide for interior andexterior advertising on each vehicle for mass transportation purposes.
7. Transportation authorities operating a public mass transportationsystem under sections 92.400 to 92.421 shall set and attain goals for theinclusion of minority business enterprises as defined in section 33.750,RSMo, for contracts in operating motor pools, construction, repairs andrelated projects for the public mass transportation system. The attainmentof such goals on these contracts shall be based on the availability ofminority-owned businesses operating within the city that perform theservices for which such contract is to be awarded.
(L. 1971 S.B. 147 ยง 10, A.L. 1973 H.B. 64, A.L. 1975 1st Ex. Sess. S.B. 1, A.L. 1979 H.B. 367, A.L. 1983 S.B. 25, A.L. 1991 H.B. 29 merged with S.B. 119, A.L. 2000 S.B. 881, A.L. 2003 H.B. 122 & 80)