92.820. 1. At the front door of the courthouse of the city of ...... atwhich sales of real estate are customarily made by the sheriff underexecution, the sheriff shall advertise by posting the notice for sale and sellthe respective parcels of real estate ordered sold by him pursuant to anyjudgment of foreclosure by any court under the provisions of sections 92.700to 92.920.
2. Such advertisements by posting of notice of sale may include morethan one parcel of real estate, and shall be in substantially the followingform:
LAND TAXES In the Circuit Court of ........,Missouri.
In the Matter of Foreclosure of Liens
for Delinquent Land Taxes
Collector of Revenue of ........, Missouri,
-vs- No. ........
Parcels of Land encumbered with Delinquent Tax Liens,
WHEREAS, judgment has been rendered against parcels of real estate fortaxes, interest, penalties, attorney's fees and costs with the serial numbersof each parcel of real estate, the description thereof, the name of the personappearing in the petition in this suit against whom the tax bill was listed orcharged, and the total amount of the judgment against each such parcel fortaxes, interest, penalties, attorney's fees and costs, all as set out in saidjudgment and described in each case, respectively, as follows:
(Here set out the respective serial numbers, descriptions, names andtotal amounts of each judgment, next above referred to.) and,
WHEREAS, such judgment orders such real estate sold by the undersignedsheriff, to satisfy the total amount of such judgment, including interest,penalties, attorney's fees and costs,
Public Notice is hereby given that I, ....., Sheriff of ......, Missouri,will sell such real estate, parcel by parcel, at public auction, to thehighest bidder, for cash to be paid immediately at the end of bidding on eachparcel offered at the sheriff's sale. The sheriff's shall run between thehours of nine o'clock a.m. and five o'clock p.m., at the ..... front door ofthe ..... City Courthouse in ....., Missouri, on ....., the ..... day of....., 20..., and continuing from day to day thereafter, to satisfy thejudgment as to each respective parcel of real estate sold. If no acceptablebids are received as to any parcel of real estate, said parcel shall be soldto the Land Reutilization Authority of ....., Missouri.
Any bid received shall be subject to confirmation by the Court and uponpresentation of an application for an occupancy permit, within ten days ofconfirmation, when applicable. No occupancy permit shall be required forparcels without buildings or structures.
Sheriff of ....,
First Publication ........, 20...
(L. 1971 H.B. 472 ยง 22, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1500)