92.900. It shall be the duty of such land reutilizationauthority to administer the tax delinquent lands, as follows:
(1) Such land reutilization authority shall immediatelyassume possession and control of all real estate acquired by itunder the provisions of sections 92.700 to 92.920 and proceed toinventory and appraise such land, and thereafter keep andmaintain a perpetual inventory of such real estate, except thatindividual parcels may be consolidated and grouped or regroupedfor economy, utility or convenience.
(2) It shall classify such land as to its use, into thefollowing three classifications:
(a) Suitable for private use;
(b) Suitable for use by a public agency;
(c) Not usable in its present condition or situation andheld as a public land reserve.Any parcel of property may be reclassified by two-thirds vote ofthe land reutilization commissioners, and all propertiesclassified as falling within paragraph (c) of this subdivisionshall be reviewed annually to determine the appropriateness ofsuch classification.
(3) Such land reutilization authority shall administer allproperty in classification (a) of subdivision (2) in accordancewith subdivision (4) of this section. Every effort shall be madeto sell the property at a price as close to its appraised valueas possible. Property in classifications (b) and (c) ofsubdivision (2) may be transferred at no cost, except anyadministrative expenses connected with the transfer, by the landreutilization authority upon request of and to those publicagencies provided for in classification (b) of subdivision (2)upon submission of a plan of use for the property by the publicagency to the land reutilization commissioners, except that noproperty shall be transferred at no cost unless there be aunanimous vote of the three land reutilization commissioners. Ifthe property is transferred at no cost to any public agency andthe public agency shall then sell or otherwise dispose of theproperty within ten years for any consideration, the proceeds ofthe sale or disposal shall be returned to the land reutilizationcommissioners who shall in turn distribute the proceeds inaccordance with the provisions of section 92.840. If the landreutilization commissioners do not give an affirmative vote tothe request for transfer, the land reutilization authority maydispose of the property in accordance with subdivision (4) ofthis section. Properties in paragraph (c) of subdivision (2)shall be studied and recommendations made to taxing authoritiesas to possible uses for real estate in the classification. Infurtherance of this object the land reutilization authority shallhave access to any and all city and county records at any timeand may call upon any and all city and county officers,departments, boards, planning commissions or other commissionsfor studies, statistics or recommendations. The landreutilization authority shall prepare a list of all buildings inparagraph (a) of subdivision (2), which list shall be correctedand amended on a quarterly basis. The commissioners may make acharge, not to exceed one dollar for each copy of the list, whichmoney shall be used to help defray the costs of preparing thelist. Any person may purchase a copy of the list. Any realestate agent or broker licensed to do business in the city maywhen authorized by the commissioners sell any property upon theterms and conditions imposed by the commissioners, and thecommissioners are authorized and empowered to pay a reasonablereal estate commission; and provided, that nothing herein shallprohibit the commissioners from selling or exchanging any realestate directly to or with any purchaser.
(4) The land reutilization commissioners shall have power,and it shall be their duty, to manage, maintain, protect, rent,lease, repair, insure, alter, hold and return, assemble, sell,trade, acquire, exchange or otherwise dispose of any real estate,on terms and conditions as may be determined in the solediscretion of the commissioners. The land reutilizationcommissioners may assemble tracts or parcels of real estate forpublic parks or any other purposes and to such end may exchangeor acquire parcels, and otherwise effectuate such purposes byagreement with any taxing authority.
(5) The land reutilization authority shall adopt rules andregulations in harmony with the provisions of sections 92.700 to92.920 and shall keep records of all its transactions, whichrecords shall be open to inspection of any taxing authority inthe city at any time. There shall be an annual audit of theaffairs, accounts, expenses, and financial transactions of suchland reutilization authority by certified public accountant as ofDecember thirty-first of each year, which accountants shall beemployed by the commissioners on or before November first of eachyear, and certified copies thereof shall be furnished to theappointing authorities described in section 92.885 and shall beavailable for public inspection at the office of the landreutilization authority.
(L. 1971 H.B. 472 ยง 39, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1500)