95.170. Whenever under any statute of this state or anycharter of any municipal corporation, whether organized underspecial charter or not, in this state, any bonds are issued,whether the proceedings for the issuance of such bonds have beenhad in whole or in part prior to the enactment of this statute,such bonds may be issued either in the form of coupon bonds, orin the form of registered bonds, or some in the form of couponbonds, and some in the form of registered bonds, as has been orhereafter may be provided in the proceedings for the issuance ofsuch bonds, and notwithstanding any language or provision to thecontrary contained in any such statute or charter authorizing theissuance of the bonds, or in any other law of the state. Theprovisions of section 95.165 shall apply to coupon bonds, soissued, as well as to other coupon bonds, or other bonds payableto bearer.
(RSMo 1939 § 7388)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7237; 1919 § 8669