95.365. No money shall be paid out of the treasury except ona warrant signed by the mayor and attested by the city clerk. Nowarrant shall be drawn upon the treasurer, nor shall anyordinance appropriating money be passed, unless there is anunexpended balance to the credit of the city in the fund in thetreasury upon which such warrant is drawn, to meet such warrant,or a sufficient sum of unappropriated money in the fund in thetreasury upon which such ordinance is drawn, to meet suchordinance. Every bill that contemplates the payment of moneyshall, upon its second reading, be referred to the treasurer, orthe person acting as treasurer, for his endorsement, to theeffect that a sufficient sum stands to the credit of the city,unappropriated, in the fund covered by such ordinance, to meetthe requirements of such bill. The treasurer shall report to theboard of aldermen, on or before the first day of July in eachyear, the amount of receipts and expenditures of the treasury,the amount of money on hand, and the amount of bonds falling due,if any, for the redemption of which provision must be made; also,the amount of interest to be paid during the next fiscal year.He shall also perform such other duties in the line of his officeas may be required of him by ordinance. The report of thetreasurer may be published if deemed necessary by the board ofaldermen.
(RSMo 1939 § 7165)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7015; 1919 § 8466; 1909 § 9368
Treasurer, duties of, RSMo 79.300