95.420. Such bonds shall be issued in amounts of not lessthan one hundred dollars and not over one thousand dollars each,and may be negotiable in form, and shall become due at such time,not exceeding twenty years from their date, as may be provided byordinance, and shall bear interest, payable annually orsemiannually, at a rate not exceeding six percent per annum; theprincipal and interest thereof being payable at such place in theUnited States and in such lawful money of the United States asmay be specified in the ordinance directing their issue and inthe bonds, and shall be executed under the seal of the city ortown and by such officers or officer and in such manner as may bedirected by ordinance.
(RSMo 1939 § 7458)Prior revisions: 1929 § 7305; 1919 § 8720; 1909 § 9599