95.510. In the event that at any time the United States, orany qualified authority thereof, shall propose to establish andimprove, within any city in this state now or hereafter having apopulation of four hundred thousand inhabitants or more, anational park or plaza, intended and designed to commemorate anygreat event or movement in our national history, to be accessibleto the public under federal regulation, and to cover an areawithin such city of not less than one million square feet, andone thousand or more voters of such city shall petition the boardof aldermen of such city, asking that the question be submittedto the voters to determine whether, in consideration of and inorder to induce the location and establishment of such improvedpark or plaza in such city, the city shall incur indebtedness andevidence the same by the issuance of bonds for the purpose ofproviding funds to make the payment by way of assistance hereinreferred to, it shall be the duty of the board of aldermen assoon as conveniently may be, to submit the question to thevoters.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 15373, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)