95.515. There shall be submitted to the voters the questionwhether or not such city shall incur an indebtedness and evidencethe same by the issuance of bonds for the purpose of providingfunds to pay by way of assistance to the United States, or itsqualified authority, in consideration of and in order to inducethe location and establishment within such city of such park orplaza, the sum fixed by the ordinance providing for thesubmission of the question, which sum shall not exceed one-fourthof the total amount to be expended by the United States, or itsauthority, for the acquisition and establishment of such park orplaza (including site and improvements), and shall not exceed thesum of eight million dollars; nor shall such sum, when added tothe other indebtedness of the city, exceed its capacity to becomeindebted under the constitution of this state.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 15374, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)