96.196. 1. A hospital organized under this chapter may purchase,operate or lease, as lessor or lessee, related facilities or engage inhealth care activities, except in counties of the third or fourthclassification (other than the county in which the hospital is located)where there already exists a hospital organized pursuant to this chapterand chapter 205 or 206, RSMo; provided, however, that this exception shallnot prohibit the continuation of existing activities otherwise allowed bylaw.
2. If a hospital organized pursuant to this chapter acceptsappropriated funds from the city during the twelve months immediatelypreceding the date that the hospital purchases, operates or leases itsfirst related facility outside the city boundaries or engages in its firsthealth care activity outside the city boundaries, the governing body of thecity shall approve the hospital's plan for such purchase, operation orlease prior to implementation of the plan.
(L. 1979 S.B. 445, A.L. 1996 S.B. 676)