96.310. 1. When one hundred voters of any city of the thirdclass shall petition the mayor and legislative branch of themunicipal government, asking that an annual tax be levied for themaintenance of a home for orphan children and the children ofindigent parents, and shall specify in the petition a rate oftaxes not to exceed one mill on the dollar annually on allproperty in the city, such mayor by direction of the legislativebranch of the municipal government shall submit the question tothe voters.
2. The question shall be submitted in substantially thefollowing form:
Shall there be a tax for a children's home?
3. The tax specified shall be levied and collected and shallbe known as the "children's home funds".
4. If a majority of voters in the city, voting on thequestion, vote to terminate the tax, the tax shall terminate.
5. In case of an increase in valuation in any year of thetaxable property within such incorporated city, the council ofsuch city may reduce the levy herein provided for by levying atax for the maintenance of said orphans' home which in thejudgment of said common council shall be sufficient for themaintenance of the orphans' home throughout the year, but in nocase shall the tax so levied for any one year by the commoncouncil exceed ten percent more than the tax of the previousyear.
(RSMo 1939 § 9659, A.L. 1975 H.B. 398, A.L. 1976 S.B. 729, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14122; 1919 § 1126