99.110. 1. Any two or more authorities may join orcooperate with one another in the exercise of any or all of thepowers conferred hereby for the purpose of financing, planning,undertaking, constructing or operating a housing project orprojects, or other federally subsidized housing programs locatedwithin the area of operation of any one or more of saidauthorities. An authority may also provide technical assistanceto other authorities and charge a fee for such services, providedthat the profits from such fees shall be distributed as providedin subsection 3 of section 99.080.
2. An authority may provide technical assistance to publicand private developers of housing for persons of very low, loweror moderate income and charge a fee for such services, providedthat any profits from such fees shall be distributed as providedin subsection 3 of section 99.080.
3. An authority may participate, with other public orprivate entities, in partnerships, joint ventures, or otherco-ownership arrangements as long as the profits from suchparticipation are distributed as provided in subsection 3 ofsection 99.080. If a housing project is the subject of theparticipation, at least twenty percent of the units shall beoccupied by persons of very low or lower income. Thedistribution of project units reserved for persons of very lowand lower income by size shall be proportional to thedistribution of units by size for the entire housing project.
4. An authority which participates with a private entity, ina partnership, joint venture or co-ownership arrangement in thedevelopment or the management of a housing project for which theproperty has been acquired by the power of eminent domain andresults in the displacement of persons and/or businesses, shallestablish written policies and procedures for the payment ofdisplacement and relocation benefits to such affected parties.
5. No authority in any city partially contained within acounty of the first class having a charter form of governmentwith a population in excess of four hundred thousand inhabitantsshall create in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, anyadditional housing units within any area that is within two andone-half miles from the center of any other area having a radiusof one-half mile that contains more than five hundred housingunits subject to any provisions of this chapter. Excepted fromthis subsection is any area that formerly contained multiplebuilding high rise public housing.
(RSMo 1939 ยง 7863, A.L. 1986 S.B. 767, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1105)