103.095. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to thecontrary, any member of the general assembly and any electedstate official holding a statewide elective state office, whoceases to hold elective office, or any person employed by theelected official or employed by a member of the general assembly,whose employment is terminated because such elected official ormember of the general assembly ceases to hold elective office,may elect to continue insurance benefits to cover medicalexpenses provided under sections 103.003 to 103.175, by payingthe cost of such benefits as determined by the board. If aneligible person does not elect to continue the coverage withinthirty-one days from the last day of the month in which theeligible person ceases to be an employee, he may not later electto be covered under this section.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1574 ยง 2 subsec. 4)