103.100. 1. Before each October first, the board shall separatelycertify to each participating member agency an actuarially determinedestimate of the amount which will be necessary during the next plan year topay all the liabilities for that individual state-sponsored plan orparticipating member agency plan, including the costs of administration,which shall exist or accrue pursuant to providing the medical benefits ofthe plan. The estimate shall be computed based on the medical benefitprogram or programs adopted by the board and shall be certified in totalexpected expenditures, including the expected expenditures per person foreach separately rated category of coverage.
2. Before August first of each year, beginning with August 1, 1996,the board shall notify the state division of budget and planning of themedical benefit options authorized by the board. In addition, the boardshall provide the cost of funding each category for each medical benefitoption the plan offers.
3. Before September first of each year, beginning September 1, 1996,the entity designated by the governor to make recommendations on a totalcompensation package for state employees shall analyze the medical benefitoptions authorized by the board and the costs of each such option, andshall make recommendations to the state division of budget and planning onthe portion of such costs, if any, to be paid by the state and the portionto be paid by each state employee for each recommended option. The extentof the recommendation shall be limited to the total state contributionamount as it pertains to the basic covered benefit packages available andany new ancillary benefits that may be available in addition to the basiccovered benefit packages. The Missouri consolidated health care plan boardof trustees shall maintain responsibility for the pricing strategyregarding how the covered benefit packages are offered to state employeeswho are members of the plan. The entity shall also notify the board of therecommended state contribution.
4. The commissioner of administration shall request appropriationsfor payments to the plan for covered state employees. Subject toappropriation, the commissioner of administration monthly shall requisitionand certify the payment to the executive director of the plan who shallpromptly deposit such amounts to the benefit trust fund account.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1574 ยง 3 subsecs. 1, 2, A.L. 1995 S.B. 410)