103.130. Each participating member agency may elect bymajority vote of its governing body, to join the plan and coverits employees, retirees, and their dependents under the plan asfollows:
(1) The clerk or secretary of the participating memberagency shall certify the election to the board within ten workingdays after the vote of the governing body;
(2) The board shall establish a procedure for consideringthe election of the agencies. Acceptance of the agency into theplan shall be by action of the board and shall be based upon anactuarial analysis or any other determination that the boarddeems appropriate;
(3) The agency shall supply all available informationrequested by the board that is necessary to complete an actuarialanalysis of the agency and make a determination of the fiscalimpact that inclusion of the agency would have on the plan;
(4) The effective date of the participating member agency'scoverage will be the first day of the month so requested by theagency and approved by the board;
(5) The participating member agency must offer coverageunder the plan to all of its eligible employees, retirees, anddependents.
(L. 1992 H.B. 1574 ยง 4 subsec. 1)