104.035. 1. Any member whose employment terminated priorto August 13, 1976, and who had served twenty years or more as anemployee shall be entitled to a deferred normal annuity based onhis creditable service, average compensation, and the act ineffect at the time his employment was terminated.
2. Any member whose employment terminates on or afterAugust 13, 1976, and prior to June 1, 1981, and who had servedfifteen or more years' creditable service as an employee or hadserved ten or more years of creditable service as an employee andwas at least thirty-five years of age at the date of terminationof employment shall be entitled to a deferred normal annuitybased on his creditable service, average compensation, and theact in effect at the time his employment was terminated.
3. Any member whose employment terminates on or after June1, 1981, and who has ten or more years of creditable service atthe date of termination of employment shall be entitled to adeferred normal annuity based on the member's creditable service,average compensation and the act in effect at the time themember's employment is terminated.
4. Any member entitled to a deferred normal annuity asprovided in subsection 1, 2, 3 or 5 of this section who reentersthe service of a department and again becomes a member of thesystem and thereafter serves for one continuous year shall havehis prior period of service restored, so that benefits determinedby reason of his retirement or subsequent withdrawal from servicewill include the sum of all periods of creditable service, andhis annuity shall be based on his creditable service, averagecompensation, and the act in effect at the time of his retirementor subsequent withdrawal from service.
5. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, anymember of the transportation department and highway patrol retirementsystem whose employment terminated on or after September 28, 1992,who has five or more years of vesting service as an employeeat the date of termination of employment shall beentitled to a deferred normal annuity based on the member'screditable service, average compensation, and the act in effectat the time the member's employment was terminated.
(L. 1988 H.B. 1643 & 1399, A.L. 1992 S.B. 499, et al., A.L. 1993 S.B. 126)