104.1006. For the purpose of providing retirement income and otherbenefits to employees of the state, there is hereby created and establisheda benefit plan, which shall be under the management of boards of trusteesherein described, and which shall be known as the "Year 2000 Plan". In thesystems shall be vested the powers and duties specified in sections104.1003 to 104.1093 and such other powers as may be necessary or proper toenable it, its officers, employees, and agents to carry out fully andeffectively all the purposes of sections 104.1003 to 104.1093. Theprovisions of sections 104.150 to 104.190 and 104.210 to 104.240 shallcontinue to be applicable to the transportation department and highwaypatrol retirement system under the year 2000 plan. The provisions ofsections 104.440 to 104.480 and 104.500 to 104.510 and 104.520 to 104.530shall continue to be applicable to the Missouri state employees' retirementsystem under the year 2000 plan. Both systems shall be subject to sections105.660 to 105.691, RSMo.
(L. 1999 S.B. 308 & 314)