104.260. 1. Any member who retired prior to October 1,1984, and who elected at that time to take the option of areduced benefit during his life and a survivor's benefit for hisspouse after his death shall, upon application, be madeconsultant on the problems of retirement, aging, and maintaininga spouse on reduced benefit, and upon the request of the board,shall give opinions and be available to give opinions, in writingor orally, in response to such requests by the board. Ascompensation for the services required by this section, suchperson shall be compensated in an amount which, when added to thebenefits received by him, is equal to the amount he would havereceived had he retired on the date of his application to be madea consultant under the provisions of this section and had electedthe option of his choice pursuant to the provisions of subsection3 of section 104.090.
2. The employment provided for by this section shall in noway affect any person's eligibility for retirement or survivorbenefits under this chapter, or in any way have the effect ofreducing any retirement or survivor benefits, anything to thecontrary notwithstanding.
3. The compensation provided for in this section shall betreated as any other state retirement benefits, payable by thetransportation department employees' and highway patrolretirement system and are exempt from any tax of any politicalsubdivision of the state, and shall not be subject to execution,garnishment, attachment, writ of sequestration, or any otherprocess or claim whatsoever, and shall be unassignable, anythingto the contrary notwithstanding.
(L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 1992 S.B. 499, et al.)*No continuity with ยง 104.260 as repealed by L. 1977 S.B. 60.