104.332. 1. Any person who has been appointed or employed as a legaladvisor pursuant to section 286.070, RSMo, prior to August 28, 2001, who isreceiving or thereafter is qualified to receive retirement benefitspursuant to section 104.374 shall upon application be made, constituted,appointed and employed by the board of trustees of the Missouri stateemployees' retirement system as a special consultant on the problems ofretirement, aging and other state matters for the remainder of the person'slife. Upon request of the board or the administrative hearing commission,the consultant shall give opinions or be available to give opinions inwriting or orally in response to such requests. As compensation for suchservices and in lieu of receiving benefits pursuant to section 104.374,each such special consultant shall be eligible for all benefits payablepursuant to sections 287.812 to 287.856, RSMo, effective upon the later ofAugust 28, 1999, or the date retirement benefits become payable. In noevent shall retroactive benefits be paid.
2. The term "legal advisor" as defined in subdivision (6) of section287.812, RSMo, shall be deemed to include any attorney or legal counselappointed or employed pursuant to section 286.070, RSMo.
(L. 2001 S.B. 371 ยง 1)