104.515. 1. Separate accounts for medical, life insurance anddisability benefits provided pursuant to sections 104.517 and 104.518 shallbe established as part of the fund. The funds, property and return oninvestments of the separate account shall not be commingled with any otherfunds, property and investment return of the system. All benefits andpremiums are paid solely from the separate account for medical, lifeinsurance and disability benefits provided pursuant to this section.
2. The state shall contribute an amount as appropriated by law andapproved by the governor per month for medical benefits, life insurance andlong-term disability benefits as provided pursuant to this section andsections 104.517 and 104.518. Such amounts shall include the cost ofproviding life insurance benefits for each active employee who is a memberof the Missouri state employees' retirement system, a member of the publicschool retirement system and who is employed by a state agency other thanan institution of higher learning, a member of the retirement systemestablished by sections 287.812 to 287.855, RSMo, the judicial retirementsystem, each legislator and official holding an elective state office,members not on payroll status who are receiving workers' compensationbenefits, and if the state highways and transportation commission soelects, those employees who are members of the state transportationdepartment employees' and highway patrol retirement system; if the statehighways and transportation commission so elects to join the plan, thestate shall contribute an amount as appropriated by law for medicalbenefits for those employees who are members of the transportationdepartment employees' and highway patrol retirement system; an additionalamount equal to the amount required, based on competitive bidding ordetermined actuarially, to fund the retired members' death benefit or lifeinsurance benefit, or both, provided in subsection 4 of this section andthe disability benefits provided in section 104.518. This amount shall bereported as a separate item in the monthly certification of requiredcontributions which the commissioner of administration submits to the statetreasurer and shall be deposited to the separate account for medical, lifeinsurance and disability benefits. All contributions made on behalf ofmembers of the state transportation department employees' and highwaypatrol retirement system shall be made from highway funds. If the highwaysand transportation commission so elects, the spouses and unemancipatedchildren under twenty-three years of age of employees who are members ofthe state transportation department employees' and highway patrolretirement system shall be able to participate in the program of insurancebenefits to cover medical expenses pursuant to the provisions of subsection3 of this section.
3. The board shall determine the premium amounts required forparticipating employees. The premium amounts shall be the amount, which,together with the state's contribution, is required to fund the benefitsprovided, taking into account necessary actuarial reserves. Separatepremiums shall be established for employees' benefits and a separatepremium or schedule of premiums shall be established for benefits forspouses and unemancipated children under twenty-three years of age ofparticipating employees. The employee's premiums for spouse and childrenbenefits shall be established to cover that portion of the cost of suchbenefits which is not paid for by contributions by the state. All suchpremium amounts shall be paid to the board of trustees at the time thateach employee's wages or salary would normally be paid. The premiumamounts so remitted will be placed in the separate account for medical,life insurance and disability benefits. In lieu of the availability ofpremium deductions, the board may establish alternative methods for thecollection of premium amounts.
4. Each special consultant eligible for life benefits employed by aboard of trustees of a retirement system as provided in section 104.610 whois a member of the Missouri state life insurance plan or Missouri statetransportation department and Missouri state highway patrol life insuranceplan shall, in addition to duties prescribed in section 104.610 or anyother law, and upon request of the board of trustees, give the board,orally or in writing, a short detailed statement on life insurance anddeath benefit problems affecting retirees. As compensation for the extraduty imposed by this subsection, any special consultant as defined above,other than a special consultant entitled to a deferred normal annuitypursuant to section 104.035 or 104.335, who retires on or after September28, 1985, shall receive as a part of compensation for these extra duties, adeath benefit of five thousand dollars, and any special consultant whoterminates employment on or after August 28, 1999, after reaching normal orearly retirement age and becomes a retiree within sixty days of suchtermination shall receive five thousand dollars of life insurance coverage.In addition, each special consultant who is a member of the transportationdepartment employees' and highway patrol retirement system medicalinsurance plan shall also provide the board, upon request of the board,orally or in writing, a short detailed statement on physical, medical andhealth problems affecting retirees. As compensation for this extra duty,each special consultant as defined above shall receive, in addition to allother compensation provided by law, nine dollars, or an amount equivalentto that provided to other special consultants pursuant to the provisions ofsection 103.115, RSMo. In addition, any special consultant as defined insection 287.820, RSMo, or section 476.601, RSMo, who terminates employmentand immediately retires on or after August 28, 1995, shall receive as apart of compensation for these duties, a death benefit of five thousanddollars and any special consultant who terminates employment on or afterAugust 28, 1999, after reaching the age of eligibility to receiveretirement benefits and becomes a retiree within sixty days of suchtermination shall receive five thousand dollars of life insurance coverage.
5. Any former employee who is receiving disability income benefitsfrom the Missouri state employees' retirement system or the transportationdepartment employees' and highway patrol retirement system shall, uponapplication with the board of trustees of the Missouri consolidated healthcare plan or the transportation department employees and highway patrolmedical plan, be made, constituted, appointed and employed by therespective board as a special consultant on the problems of the health ofdisability income recipients and, upon request of the board of trustees ofeach medical plan, give the board, orally or in writing, a short detailedstatement of physical, medical and health problems affecting disabilityincome recipients. As compensation for the extra duty imposed by thissubsection, each such special consultant as defined in this subsection mayreceive, in addition to all other compensation provided by law, an amountcontributed toward medical benefits coverage provided by the Missouriconsolidated health care plan or the transportation employees and highwaypatrol medical plan pursuant to appropriations.
(L. 1972 S.B. 548, A.L. 1976 S.B. 513, A.L. 1977 H.B. 703, A.L. 1978 S.B. 497, A.L. 1979 H.B. 129, A.L. 1981 H.B. 835, et al., H.B. 903, A.L. 1982 H.B. 1720, et al., A.L. 1983 S.B. 353 merged with H.B. 713 Revision, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1370 merged with H.B. 1106, A.L. 1985 H.B. 670, H.B. 790, A.L. 1986 H.B. 1496, A.L. 1987 H.B. 713, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1643 & 1399, A.L. 1988 H.B. 1100, et al., A.L. 1989 H.B. 610, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1574, A.L. 1994 H.B. 1149, A.L. 1995 H.B. 416, et al., A.L. 1997 H.B. 356, A.L. 2001 S.B. 371, A.L. 2002 H.B. 1455)Effective 7-11-02