104.608. Upon application to the board of trustees of theMissouri state employees' retirement system, any person who hasserved at least three full biennial assemblies as a member of thegeneral assembly, and who has been denied credit for any servicerendered as a member of the general assembly because he was amember of some other retirement or benefit fund to which thestate was a contributor shall be made, constituted, appointed,and employed by the board as a special consultant on the problemsof retirement for the remainder of the person's life. Uponrequest of the board, the consultant shall give opinions or beavailable to give opinions in writing or orally in response tosuch requests. As compensation the consultant shall receivecreditable service for all service rendered as a member of thegeneral assembly and be a member of the Missouri state employees'retirement system and shall be entitled to a normal annuity or toa deferred normal annuity, based on the person's service as amember of the general assembly and the law in effect at the timeservice as a member of the general assembly was terminated.
(L. 1989 H.B. 674)