104.805. 1. Employees who are earning creditable service in theclosed plan of the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are,as a result of the provisions of this section and sections 226.008,389.005, 389.610, and 621.040, RSMo, transferred to the department oftransportation will not become members of the closed plan of the Missouridepartment of transportation and highway patrol employees' retirementsystem unless they elect to transfer membership and creditable service tothe closed plan of the Missouri department of transportation and highwaypatrol employees' retirement system. The election must be in writing andmust be made within sixty days of August 28, 2007. Any election totransfer membership and creditable service to the Missouri department oftransportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system shall resultin the forfeiture of any rights or benefits in the Missouri stateemployees' retirement system. Any failure to elect to transfer membershipand creditable service pursuant to this subsection will result in theemployees remaining in the closed plan of the Missouri state employees'retirement system. If an election is made, the effective date forcommencement of membership and transfer of such creditable service shall beJanuary 1, 2008.
2. Employees who are earning credited service in the year 2000 planof the Missouri state employees' retirement system and who are, as a resultof the provisions of this section and sections 226.008, 389.005, 389.610,and 621.040, RSMo, transferred to the department of transportation willremain in the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri state employees'retirement system unless they elect to transfer membership and creditedservice to the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri department oftransportation and highway patrol employees' retirement system. Theelection must be in writing and must be made within sixty days of August28, 2007. Any election to transfer membership and credited service to theyear 2000 plan administered by the Missouri department of transportationand highway patrol employees' retirement system shall result in theforfeiture of any rights or benefits in the Missouri state employees'retirement system. Any failure to elect to transfer membership andcredited service pursuant to this subsection will result in the employeesremaining in the year 2000 plan administered by the Missouri stateemployees' retirement system. If an election is made, the effective datefor commencement of membership and transfer of such creditable serviceshall be January 1, 2008.
3. For any employee who elects under subsection 1 or 2 of thissection to transfer to the Missouri department of transportation andhighway patrol employees' retirement system, the Missouri state employees'retirement system shall pay to the Missouri department of transportationand highway patrol employees' retirement system, by December 31, 2007, anamount actuarially determined to equal the liability transferred from theMissouri state employees' retirement system.
4. In no event shall any employee receive service credit for the sameperiod of service under more than one retirement system as a result of theprovisions of this section.
5. For any transferred employee who elects under subsection 1 or 2 ofthis section to transfer to the Missouri department of transportation andhighway patrol employees' retirement system, the only medical coverageavailable for the employee shall be the medical coverage provided insection 104.270. The effective date for commencement of medical coverageshall be January 1, 2008. However, this does not preclude medical coveragefor the transferred employee as a dependent under any other health careplan.
6. Those employees transferred to the department of transportationprior to January 1, 2003, under the provisions of this section and sections226.008, 389.005, 389.610, and 621.040, RSMo, shall not be eligible for theelection provisions under this section.
(L. 2002 S.B. 1202, A.L. 2007 S.B. 406)