105.050. If any vacancy shall happen from any cause in theoffice of the attorney general, circuit attorney, prosecutingattorney or assistant prosecuting attorney, the governor, uponbeing satisfied that such vacancy exists, shall appoint somecompetent person to fill the same until the next regular electionfor attorney general, prosecuting attorney or assistantprosecuting attorney, as the case may be; provided, in the caseof a vacancy in the office of prosecuting attorney, if there isno qualified person in the county who can or will accept suchappointment, then the governor may appoint any person whopossesses all the qualifications set forth in section 56.010,RSMo, except the qualification as to residence.
(RSMo 1939 § 12989, A.L. 1947 V. I p. 217)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11363; 1919 § 782; 1909 § 1043