105.140. It shall be the duty of the town, city and countyofficers in this state, when called upon by the state auditor todo so, to report, on blanks furnished by the state auditor,statistical information concerning dramshops, wine and beersaloons, costs in criminal cases, salaries paid county officers,costs of assessing and collecting the revenue, the debts ofcounties and cities, and such other information as will be ofgeneral interest when published. The state auditor shall prepareand cause to be printed proper blanks for carrying the provisionsof this section into effect, and shall supply the proper officerswith such blanks once in each year; and the officer required tofill up said blanks shall do so within thirty days, and forwardthe same to the state auditor, who shall tabulate theinformation, and publish such part of the same in his biennialreport to the general assembly as he may deem of importance. Anyperson failing or refusing to comply with the provisions of thissection shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and onconviction shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty dollarsnor more than one hundred dollars.
(RSMo 1939 § 11457)Prior revisions: 1929 § 10165; 1919 § 12667; 1909 § 11230
Public officials shall permit audit--penalty for refusal, RSMo 26.070, 26.080