105.230. If any civil or military officer of this stateshall, by any official act, cause any person or persons, subjectto his order or control, to render services or to expend time ormoney in the performance of any service not authorized by thelaws of the land, the officer directing, ordering or compellingthe performance of such unauthorized service shall be liable tothe person or persons performing such service for the amount ofall expenses they may incur or time lost in the performance ofthe same, and shall also be liable to any person, body politic orcorporate, for any injury which may be sustained in consequenceof such unlawful or unauthorized procedure; and the same shall berecoverable before any magistrate or other court having competentjurisdiction. Nothing contained in sections 105.010 or 105.210to 105.240 shall extend to judicial officers when actingjudicially.
(RSMo 1939 § 12823)Prior revisions: 1929 § 11199; 1919 § 9172; 1909 § 10201